
“. . . pinpointed inefficiencies in our product development process and global team structure”

We engaged Michael to conduct a product development assessment at Cloud Age. His thoughtful approach and ability to grasp the complete picture have brought clarity and direction to our scaling efforts. His comprehensive review pinpointed inefficiencies in our product development process and global team structure, which I have no doubt will lead to improved productivity and product quality. In particular, his guidance in leveraging modern, cloud-native technologies and managing outsourced development has given us a framework to enhance our software development and operational capabilities. Michael’s expertise not only met our immediate needs to establish a baseline but also laid the groundwork for better ways of working, happier teams, and best practices for scaling to meet our future technical and business targets. His role as a trusted strategic advisor continues to be essential, guiding us towards a brighter, more innovative future.

Chris Lee CEO & Founder, Cloud Age

“. . . supremely skilled as a technologist, a cultural facilitator, and as a sounding board for business ideas”

We hit the jackpot when we found Michael during a Google search. Engaging with high-quality talent is always difficult and risky regardless of how much time you invest or the quality of the referral source. In this case, what started with a simple web search has grown into a valued partnership that has now spanned two years and several startup companies. While searching for a “Consulting CTO,” we found a “Technical Co-founder.”

I have started multiple technology companies, and for CPA standards, I know a lot about the software development process. I also have considerable experience with software development outsourcing, having engaged teams in Ukraine, India, Poland, and Mexico. Michael, however, has a far greater depth of experience—particularly with overseas teams—and is supremely skilled as a technologist, a cultural facilitator, and as a sounding board for business ideas. Very few people have brains that are equally good at both the logic of engineering and the creativity of business, and fewer still are also excellent communicators and well organized. Michael is the rare breed that has it all in one package. His level of expertise is terrific, and he is a pleasure to work with.

He is responsible, responsive, and has exceptional integrity. In more than 30 years of working internationally for large and small companies, I can say that I have never felt more comfortable knowing that Michael is the one providing technical oversight for our software development and innovation initiatives. Michael has earned my highest recommendation, and I look forward to working with him for years to come.

Michael McCarthy CEO & Founder, Repositax, Inc.

“. . . very methodological in approaching startup ideas and has proven to be excellent in putting global teams together and getting them working”

I met Michael through a software sourcing company in 2018. I was in the early stage of creating a software startup business centered around the use of augmented reality for the healthcare market. As an entrepreneur with a healthcare operations background, I needed to partner with a technology expert to design and build the product I envisioned. I had many challenges, including narrowing down the company’s scope to arrive at a Minimal Viable Product and sourcing the right solution partners. Michael did an incredible job guiding me as we defined the requirements for the product, created a development plan, and structured a statement of work to serve my company’s best interest. We met with teams of outsourced software engineers in different countries and ended up selecting two companies with different areas of expertise, both in Hungary. The software solutions team that Michael helped to assemble has been a critical asset for me. Michael is very methodological in approaching startup ideas and has proven to be excellent in putting global teams together and getting them working. He has a vast understanding of technology—both in technical and business terms. He has a great sense of humor, is very thoughtful and personable. Without Michael’s involvement and guidance over the last two years, I would never have successfully created the company and developed the first product.

Oya Celikbilek Founder, VERO Healthcare Technologies, LLC

“. . . an exceptional consultant and software engineering leader who has made a transformative impact on our organization”

It is with great sadness that I highly recommend Michael. I say that, because I don’t have the pleasure of working as closely with him as I used to. Michael is an exceptional consultant and software engineering leader who has made a transformative impact on our organization. I had the pleasure of first working with Michael in early 2021 when he was brought on as a consultant to assess the Data Analytics group at Anglo American. His comprehensive evaluation not only addressed our technical and product development capabilities but also our organizational design and how we work with vital third-party vendors.

Michael’s insightful analysis resonated with the entire team, and his ability to articulate complex issues in an easily digestible manner facilitated a collective understanding. What truly set Michael apart, however, was his pragmatic approach to problem-solving. He presented actionable solutions for each challenge, accompanied by a strategic roadmap that guided us back to the path of success.

Recognizing his value, Anglo American wisely appointed Michael as our Head of Software Engineering. Over the course of two years, our close collaboration enabled us to drive significant improvements throughout the organization. Michael’s extensive expertise working with offshore development partners, software engineering and product delivery, coupled with his unwavering dedication, has left a lasting impression on our team and helped position us for success in the future.

Now that Michael has returned to independent consulting, I cannot recommend him highly enough as a trusted advisor capable of elevating any organization. Don’t miss the opportunity to engage with someone as knowledgeable, skilled, and passionate as Michael. Your team will undoubtedly benefit from his unique insights and transformative guidance.

Ryan McCool Head of Digital - Safety, Anglo American

“I learned a lot . . . about managing outsourced software development projects”

I first worked with Michael two years ago to improve a custom software system that Imprint Energy uses to test and manufacture our ultrathin, printed batteries. It was a joy to work with Michael! He was professional, patient, handling any issues quickly and efficiently, and I learned a lot from him about managing outsourced software development projects. He spent time with us to define and document our requirements. Early on in the process, he participated in Zoom calls with our developers in Brazil to help keep things in order and on track. With Michael’s help, we got the team working smoothly, and I was able to step in and manage the remote development team. This would have been much more difficult without Michael’s help.

Jesse Smithyman Director of Technology, Imprint Energy

“. . . extensive technical and international business experience”

Hiring and implementing an outsourced software development team to work on a critical software project comes with some risk and trepidation. Accelerance has helped companies to successfully outsource for the past two decades. To do so, we utilize technology leaders who have extensive experience with leading offshore and nearshore teams. Michael joined our team more than two years ago and was able to contribute from the start. His experience has been leveraged working with companies ranging from startups to rapidly scaling mid-size businesses to Fortune 500 enterprises. Michael brings extensive technical and international business experience and has become a trusted advisor to our clients. I’ve found him to be very intelligent, an effective communicator, up-to-date with current technologies and tools, and transitions well from business conversations into the details of the technology.

Jim Marascio Chief Delivery Officer & Chief Information Officer, Accelerance, Inc.

“. . . kept all the teams in sync and rowing in the same direction”

Given my firm’s great experience, I can highly recommend Michael for any company looking for a consulting CTO. He has done a stellar job helping one of our portfolio companies navigate complex software and technology-related decisions. Michael ran the process that helped us identify and select a software partner, negotiate the MSA, SOW, and SLA agreements, set up Google Cloud Platform, and kept all the teams in sync and rowing in the same direction. He is a true professional, always well prepared for meetings, incredibly responsive, quickly distilling our ideas and plans into diagrams, mindmaps, and charts that help the executive team understand the technology big picture and how the parts fit together. He continues to be an enormous asset to the team, and we expect to bring him in on future investments.

Tim Swafford Partner, Rutledge Equity Partners

“. . . opened up a world of technology options and monetization strategies that I had not previously considered”

I was introduced to Michael by a friend who had worked with him for many years and encouraged me to reach out to him. I was in the research and planning stage of a software startup, and our mutual friend thought Michael would be a good technology advisor for my company. He was right. Michael asked a lot of questions about the business model rather than just focusing on how to design and build my product. Working with Michael opened up a world of technology options and monetization strategies that I had not previously considered. I highly recommend Michael, not only for the technical part of building software but also for his knowledge of the software marketplace and his experience with early-stage startups. You will not be disappointed.

Jonathan Meyers Founder & CEO, Pre-Launch Startup

“. . . earned the respect of the developers, the designers, and team leaders, which is no easy accomplishment”

I have worked with Michael for the last two years on a software development project for one of his clients. I am a Project Manager for the team, which includes software engineers based here in Ukraine, as well as DevOps resources in India, a pen-testing group in Colombia, and various technical experts and code reviewers that Michael has brought in from the US. Michael is outstanding at what he does. He is a master facilitator who can help all parties understand each other correctly and remove false assumptions from everyone’s head. As a Project Manager, I know that a key value of any agile framework is communication, which bridges the gap between business people and technical people—Michael functions as that bridge. I have seen him lead intense in-the-weeds engineering conversations with our most experienced developers and quickly change gears to talk at a high-level with executives. He has earned the respect of the developers, the designers, and team leaders, which is no easy accomplishment. Michael brings a vast amount of experience to software projects, and everyone on our team has learned a lot from him. If you want to learn about what works or doesn’t work in our industry, ask Michael.

Stanislav Skrypnikov Senior Project Manager, Django Stars

“. . . perfect understanding of our needs”

Michael and I met through a business connection as we were searching for a consulting Chief Technology Officer for our newly formed company. Our biggest challenge was to select the right software platform to provide analytics for our group and to provide oversight during the development and implementation of the system. Michael’s in-depth knowledge of the benefits of various technologies, expertise in software contracts, and his perfect understanding of our needs made this cumbersome process an excellent learning experience for all of us. I highly recommend Michael for all businesses seeking a true subject matter expert in technology assessment, contracting, and implementation of large-scale technology projects.

David Mahvi Managing Partner, Carolina Kidney Partners

“Michael's guidance has been essential”

Whystle is a residential and commercial cleaning service that provides simple online booking, so people know what they are getting, how much they are paying, and can get their time back. Michael has been a technical and business advisor helping us evaluate our options as we expand and enhance our digital platform. He has an excellent understanding of the technology and technical staffing issues that startup companies like ours face. Michael’s guidance has been essential, and we are excited to introduce new technological capabilities with his insight and support.

Christopher Wright Founder & CEO, Whystle

“. . . a lot of experience with software development, security by design, and best practices”

I met Michael earlier this year when he engaged PullRequest to conduct a code review for one of his clients. PullRequest offers code review as a service that helps developers deliver high-quality code by providing an extra line of defense to prevent security vulnerabilities and other fatal flaws. We worked with Michael to perform a full project quality review to help secure his client’s codebase. Michael has a lot of experience with software development, security by design, and best practices, and our team enjoyed working with him. Michael has the technical and leadership skills to use the feedback from our review to establish development baselines and improve development practices. Our team at PullRequest looks forward to working with Michael and his clients on future projects.

Dan Mateer Chief Operating Officer, PullRequest

“. . . knows the ins and outs of working with remote software teams”

I met Michael one year ago when our company was looking for a way to streamline our internal software development process and modernize our Jira implementation. The entire experience working with Michael was fantastic. He worked with us to determine our exact needs and facilitated the process of engaging an outsourced team in Brazil. He has a rare combination of excellent technical skills, a ton of practical business experience, and he knows the ins and outs of working with remote software teams. Michael maintains the highest degree of professionalism, integrity, and honesty. It was an absolute pleasure working with him. If you get a chance to work with him, you should.

Ankit Oza Senior Technical Program Manager, Cadrillion Capital

“I can’t begin to tell you how much better things go when someone with Michael’s experience is involved”

For the last year, my company Cloud2Scale has been working with Michael to provide operations, security, and DevOps capabilities to one of his US-based clients. What is most exciting about working with Michael is his knowledge and enthusiasm for what we call DevOps culture. Michael is simultaneously coordinating multiple software development and security teams in different countries. He knows how vital automation and robust deployment are to improve development speed, increase quality, and add reliability to the production application. That is what our company does best, but it cannot be achieved in a vacuum. My support team in India needs to work closely with the application developers in Europe to gain the efficiencies that DevOps promises. Michael has done an excellent job of making a case for the value of what we do and getting everyone on board for a fully integrated global development and deployment process. I can’t begin to tell you how much better things go when someone with Michael’s experience is involved. My team at Cloud2Scale is excited to work with Michael on future projects.

Sharath Raghavan Co-Founder, Cloud2Scale

“. . . insight and practical advice from our very first conversation”

I found Michael on LinkedIn while searching for a consulting CTO for my software startup, and I must state that it’s been a blessing working with him. Michael had a lot of insight and practical advice from our very first conversation. He has an easy to understand method for reducing risk in software development, which I liked a lot. He focuses on product strategy and market fit as much as software engineering, a unique part of his approach and value. Michael’s experience and guidance have been invaluable; he made me see lapses in the development of my software product, as well as gave me very detailed analysis, and set me on the path to doing it right. I highly recommend working with Michael, and my biggest goal is to have him as a consulting partner for years to come.

Nnamdi Chimaroke Founder & CEO, dodate

“. . . able to navigate our rapidly evolving organization and work effectively with people from highly diverse backgrounds and cultures”

As a member of the founding team for Bhutan’s first private, Western-oriented, and advanced technology college, I knew that getting our internal software systems and IT infrastructure right was crucial. We needed a leader with excellent, wide-ranging software development, technology, and team management skills. We needed a highly self-motivated CIO that could perceive and articulate the future role of software and technology at the college. Enter Michael. He did all this, and he did it exceptionally well. Michael was able to navigate our rapidly evolving organization and work effectively with people from highly diverse backgrounds and cultures. I have kept in touch with Michael since he started his independent consulting practice, and I continue to look to him for advice about technology and software. I continue to be impressed by his connections, business experience, and ability to build a highly capable technical team whenever needed. Consider yourself lucky to harness his capabilities for your organization.

Dr. Douglas Schofield Senior Advisor and Professor, Royal Thimphu College

“. . . terrific at establishing understanding across cultures”

Fluid Attacks is an IT security company specializing in information security testing, pen-testing, and ethical hacking. I have known Michael for several years, and my team recently completed a security assessment for one of his clients. To get the most out of our code review and security services, we have to work closely with the application development team. Michael helped to facilitate this process, which involved organizing teams in Ukraine, India, Colombia, and the US to cooperate and communicate. Michael was terrific at establishing understanding across cultures and ensuring that all the diverse global team members understood the importance of fixing the software vulnerabilities we identified. We have a great relationship with Michael, and we know he brings a lot to the table. My team and I look forward to working with him and his clients in the future.

Mauricio Gómez Chairman, Fluid Attacks

“. . . a fantastic job documenting and explaining the client’s needs”

I worked with Michael on a software project for one of his clients in 2019. My role was Consulting Analyst, and I was also the Lead Developer on this project. Michael is a great communicator and facilitator, which allowed my team to ramp up quickly. Michael did a fantastic job documenting and explaining the client’s needs, including detailed workflow diagrams and a thorough description of the software requirements which he had created with the client. It would have been difficult for my team in Brazil to get the level of detail that Michael could get from his extended conversations on-site with the client. Michael was also great at explaining our completed development work to the client clearly and logically. He made our development team look good, and the client was able to clearly understand all the effort we put in to make the project successful. Michael is a real professional, and I look forward to working with him again on future projects.

Italo Qualisoni Consulting Analyst, e-Core IT Solutions

“He nails it”

Michael and I worked together on multiple consulting engagements over the last three years. We traveled extensively, meeting with clients all over the US, so I got to know him well both personally and professionally. Michael is a gifted technologist and an exceptional communicator. I’ve had a long career in technology management, and I can safely say that nobody explains technically complicated ideas to a diverse group of project stakeholders as clearly as Michael can. He nails it. He has a comprehensive understanding of software architecture, development techniques, offshore outsourcing, and substantial business experience. We worked exceptionally well together, and I felt that the two of us could accomplish a great deal for our clients in a relatively short time. If your company needs help with software development outsourcing or needs product development guidance from an experienced consulting CTO, Michael is the one you want.

Bobby Dewrell Certified Executive Coach, Leadership Trainer and Speaker

“. . . able to motivate the engineering teams under him to accomplish goals no one believed were possible”

I have been working with Michael Marmor since 1998. During that time, he has served at various times as a supervisor, a mentor, a colleague, and a consultant. We have worked together to create startups, resurrect agencies in crisis, and make a dramatic positive impact on a variety of organizations.

During our time at Exceed Communications International in the late 1990s to mid-2000s, Michael was my direct supervisor in both our New York City headquarters and Hyderabad, India software development center. He was an outstanding thought leader and mentor. He was able to motivate the engineering teams under him to accomplish goals no one believed were possible. I always felt during that time that I was able to reach a much higher standard when working with him, and this has served me well throughout my career.

After Exceed, we maintained contact for several years and used each other as technical advisors. Eventually, I joined The Keffi Group, where Michael was leading the technology efforts for this newly founded private equity firm. While there, among other things, Michael’s team in India designed and built a complex software system for the telecom industry. This project was on behalf of one of the firm’s investors and used Michael’s hand-picked team of software engineering staff based in New Delhi. The software Michael’s team created ended up being one of the most valuable market differentiators for the company, prominently highlighted in sales and investor marketing efforts.

During his time at the Royal Thimphu College in Bhutan, I maintained contact with Michael. He transformed the IT department of this newly formed college from a procurement focused, non-technical group to one that focused on implementing appropriate technologies that could provide genuine value to the teaching and learning effort.

In my role as the Director of Global Infrastructure at the International Rescue Committee, the IT department engaged Michael in various diverse projects. He led a challenging discovery project to save a software project in crisis in our Silver Spring office. Thanks to Michael’s careful research and insight, the project got back on track and in the hands of a skilled outsourced software development partner. He also became involved in sensitive discovery and negotiations with a national cloud vendor used by all of our US Resettlement Offices. His calm manner and insights kept the meetings focused and productive. IRC also engaged him in a series of technology audits and successfully used his analysis to establish a baseline and develop improvement roadmaps.

Few people have the depth of software engineering, business, and overseas experience that Michael has. As a technologist, a leader, and a creative thinker, I can confidently recommend Michael, and I urge you to consider engaging him to work on your software projects.

Michael Boeglin Chief Information Officer, Mercy Corps